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The Knott’s Boysenberry Festival World Pie Eating Championship

Location: Buena Park, CA
Date: 03-28-2015
Winner: Joey Chestnut, with a WR 14lb of pie in 8 min!


Oh, man, was that a lot of fun. Hats off to Knott's Berry Farm and the mighty boysenberry pie. Hats off to the Buena Park, CA, faithful, who packed Knott's Berry Farms Boysenberry Festival Opening Day with charm and joy. And hats off, once again, to Joey Chestnut. Reconcile the number 35 to the dustbin of history—Chestnut's effort here at this event notched up World Record number 36.

The inaugural Knott’s Boysenberry Festival World Pie Eating Championship will forever will be remembered as the day that Joey Chestnut set the first-ever Boysenberry Pie-eating record. It was messy. It was fast. It was glorious. One social media commenter, upon seeing a picture of the pie-stained Great One at the conclusion of contest, remarked that he looked as though he had been in a food fight. That comment was then retweeted by others and then presumably by others and so on and so forth. Like a giant coil of knowledge unfurling into every corner of the globe. Now, everyone in the world knows what Joey Chestnut looks like after an eight-minute battle against the Boysenberry Pie.

But only those who were there in person know what it felt like. How the gnashing of Chestnut's teeth stirred their soul. How each bite from Miki Sudo in second spoke to their inner princess. How Steve Hendry's stoic and silent march to fourth confirmed their belief that deed outweighs word. How Michelle Lesco really is tiny and yet eats so much. How Mary Bowers' attention to fashion and style and grace makes the rest of us feel kind of schlubby, if we're being honest with ourselves.

These are the things that live in our hearts forever. Not a picture or a word. It is the living, breathing world populated by human beings astounding themselves every day that matters. The men and women who competed, assisted and attended the inaugural Knott’s Boysenberry Festival World Pie Eating Championship know this.

Results below for the numbers crowd.

This contest took place at 2pm Pacific on Saturday, March 28, 2015 on the Calico Stage in Knott's Berry Farm, 8039 Beach Blvd, Buena Park, CA 90620!

FULL RESULTS! 1. Joey Chestnut 14lb 2. Miki Sudo 11lb 3. Michelle Lesco 10.5lb 4. Steve Hendry 9.5lb 5. Dud Light 9lb 6. Erik Lamkin 8.5lb 7. Jon Bello 7.5lb 8. Mary Bowers and David West 5lb 10. Antonio Perez 4.5lb 11. Jon Davis 3.5lb 12. Ian Rapport 2.75lb

ABOUT THE KNOTT'S BOYSENBERRY FESTIVAL! Celebrate Knott’s delicious roots during the Boysenberry Festival, March 28 – April 12, in the theme park’s historic Ghost Town. The 16-day and entertainment festival returns with an unforgettable lineup of exquisite Boysenberry Bites, dazzling entertainment, the Wine and Craft Brew Tasting Garden, and more farm fresh fun the whole family will love!

From sun up to sun down, the festival features dueling fiddlers, Jammin’ in the Dark, Peanuts Party in the Park, vine dancing, live music, and other live entertainment. The limited-time Festival is included with admission to Knott’s Berry Farm.

CLICK HERE for more information on Knott's Berry Farm!

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*All applicants must be 18 years of age or older and fully acknowledge and understand the inherent dangers and risks associated with participating in an eating contest. The applicant further acknowledges and understands that the MLE/IFOCE coordinates with event sponsor(s) to select and approve eligible participants, and that the MLE/IFOCE shall decide, at its sole discretion, whether an applicant is eligible to participate in any eating event, and/or related activities. The MLE/IFOCE may revoke an applicant's eligibility to participate in the eating contest, or related activities, at any time, for any reason, at its sole discretion. The MLE/IFOCE and the event sponsors reserve the right, at any time, to change any and all details concerning the event, including, e.g., time, duration, location and prize structure.

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